Friday, June 20, 2008

Open Letter to My Wife's Lovers

(This is not a happy piece. I am in fact very depressed today, but it felt good to write this)

"Pat" is a pseudonym I am using for my wife.

Bruce, Gabriel, Son, Frank, Stephan and possibly others:

I am writing you as part of my attempt to heal from the pain of the end of Pat's and my marriage. The point of this letter is merely to inform you of the damage and pain your actions had and will continue to have on Pat, me and our children as long as we live.

You all have children, you are all married or have been. Please think about your own wives and children as you read this and imagine what it would feel like if this had happened to you, your little kids. Think about this as you kiss your wife or make love to her, think of this as you hug your children.

Try to imagine what it is like to have to reinterpret 18 years of memories, those of nearly my entire adulthood. In part because of you, my children will grow up without a normal family. My life, as I knew it, is not only over, but never existed. I was living in a lie you helped perpetuate, a fantasy existing only in my mind.

Pat's violation of the trust I deliberately extended to her is of course the main problem. I knew she had "crushes" on you, but took her lies at face value when she assured me there was nothing going on. I was happy to give her the freedom to "flirt" with you and feel beautiful and wanted. The main guilt is hers.

You are nonetheless complicit in her deception and also responsible for the end of our marriage. You enabled Pat's bad choices and encouraged her to do things which destroyed her life along with her children's.

You helped destroy any trust which might ever exist between us, Pat and you tainted the happy memories of my youth, exposed them for the screenplays they were. You knew when you were dating her that she was married, most of you had at least met me. Son, you knew my children well. Many of you shook my hand, smiled at me and said it was nice to meet me, and then proceeded to sleep with Pat. Despite knowing me you chose to sleep with my wife, in later years the mother of my children. You understood the risk you were putting her at, in case I found out, but you didn't care enough about her or me or my children to refrain from doing so. One of you gave her genital herpes, since you didn't even care enough about her to use a condom all the time.

Collectively, you took from me something that did not belong to you. You stole my wife's time, libido, affection, passion and energy. You introduced The Big Lie into our marriage which set up a barrier to emotional intimacy between us. You helped establish a pattern of behavior in Pat where she went looking outside our marriage every time there was a problem or she was unhappy. When Pat began sleeping with you, she largely stopped having sex with me, actively denying it to me for months at a time. You were more fun, more exciting. She never had to balance a checkbook, pay the mortgage or raise children with you. I could not compete. She never had any real sexual interest in me after that.

You went on vacations with her, had secret romantic getaways with her, went out to eat with her, had nice relaxing times, afternoon naps with her. All this as I watched the kids and dogs so she could date you without having to deal with the trouble of domestic life. I helped pay for airfare so she could see you.

You could say "well if it hadn't been us, it would have been others". You would be right right, but it was you.

Bruce: You cost our marriage the most. You were the first, you were with her the longest, at a very critical stage on our marriage, 4 years into it. All that time she spent with you she was not with me. You enabled her first to set up a life-time habit of lying, deceit and betrayal. You took the most passion, time, and energy from our marriage. Pat was desperately in love with you and spent two years vainly pursuing your affection. Her first "kinky" sex was with you. You probably gave her herpes. You are the reason I recently had to reinterpret one of my most cherished memories: A rare moment of physical passion while on spring break in Florida. It is no longer a brief reconnection between us, made possibly by a respite in the living hell my life was, it was because you weren't available and I guess she needed to have sex with someone. I miss my old memory, I hate you for playing a part in stealing that from me. You were young, but that does not excuse your selfishness. It cost Pat, me and my kids tremendously.

Gabriel: You are perhaps the most culpable. You were an adult when you slept with Pat in grad school and again recently. You are the reason I found out about Pat's cheating: she checked her email on my computer and left it up. At the top was an email from you with the subject line "I've got tickets!!!!". You have been divorced before, you knew exactly the pain you were putting Pat and our family at risk for. You knew better. You nevertheless chose to meet her in Spain, then when you were done satisfying your curiosity, told her you weren't interested in any kind of a relationship with her. Your use of Pat cost us our marriage and all of us our happiness. My favorite picture used to be from 1994(?) of Pat returning from a conference in Florida. I had met her at the airport with flowers. She was holding those flowers and petting our little dog, smiling, happy to be home. In actuality, she was happy because she was madly in love with you, and had just spent several days hanging out and having sex with you in a fun, relaxed environment. I miss that old memory too. That was supposed to be me having fun and relaxing with my wife, not you.

Son: I don't know exactly what to say to you. You knew my kids well, they trusted you. Yet, you began an affair with a woman in Vietnam to adopt a child. Have you no sense of decency? You pulled yourself out of Pat to answer the door when Tina knocked on your room door and stood there with your erect penis exposed as you spoke to my 11 year-old girl. You were perhaps too high and drunk to know what you were doing and this may have thus been unintentional, but you did it nonetheless. The first image Tina will ever have of a man's erect penis will be yours, not her boyfriend's or husband's. She had to listen to you and Pat fucking in the room next door for a long time, both before and after you exposed yourself to her. That is how she found out her mother was cheating on her dad. She held that secret for over 6 months, racked by misplaced guilt and shame at what she *thought* was going on, but didn't want to believe, much less say. She said she thought it was her fault, somehow. I hate you for damaging my child. Think about someone doing that to your child as you hold your baby. You now act as though nothing happened. What are you going to do when your wife finds out? Do you think she will understand what you did with Pat and to Christina? Do you know what it is like to have to try to defend your cheating wife from an 11 year-old girl's accusation of being "a whore"? Since last summer Tina never wants to return to Vietnam. How does one do what you did? What kind of person is even capable of thinking of doing something like that? I am at a loss for words to express the anger I feel for what you did to my girl.

All actions, even those borne of a desire for happiness are not equally moral. Taking something from someone (my wife's time, libido, passion) or exposing them to a risk (STDs, divorce) to make yourself happy is a profoundly immoral act. I don't know what religious or morals beliefs you claim to have, but there is no moral code I can imagine which makes it ok to steal, cheat, lie, and hurt. You have dishonored yourselves and hurt at least one person you perhaps claimed to care for at some time, or maybe you didn't. Perhaps you are all just users of people. I don't know you well enough to assess that.

You will now need to live with the consequences of your actions, as do we all. Perhaps you don't care. You will never meet me (again), never see my kids (again), perhaps not even Pat. You can live the rest of your lives and forget what impact your choices had on our lives. I hope you are unable to do so.

I understand your culpability because I too had an affair with a married woman: a sexual encounter with someone I was very much in love with. I understand how it happens. I also understand how guilty we "other men" are. I knew precisely what I was doing and the risk I was exposing my lover to. I knew I was taking something not mine, that I was acting selfishly to fulfill some perceived need I spent quite a while justifying (she really wasn't happy, her husband was not meeting her needs). I had a right to be happy, and if it meant ruining someone's marriage to be happy, hey that's life. I deserved happiness. I was lucky, as was my lover, because we weren't found out. You were not.

I'm guilty as hell.

So are you.


Anonymous said...

Very powerful. How are you doing on closing the chapter on the negative emotions that do not allow you freedom to move forward? Is this part of the process of cleansing and are you able to let go once you put the final "period" on the written material?

Coach Joni Peschman
Next Step Personal Life Coaching

Tim said...

Good question, as always.

Short answer: I don't know how I'm going to get past the negative emotions. I'm hoping they go away, it seemed to me like an uncomfortable but necessary thing for me to do.

Perhaps part of the problem is that I have always suppressed negative emotions, being the "good, forgiving spouse". I have only rarely said how angry I am at what was taken from me.

I am angry. People had no right to take what they took. They did nonetheless.

I want these guys to at least know what they took from me, Valerie, my children. I've already told Val. I'm tired of having to care about everyone else's feelings. They didn't care about mine. I feel I should be allowed to look at those who hurt me in the (virtual) face and say: "you hurt me and people I love (even Val)".

If it is hard for them and Val to hear, that's just too bad, it's hard for me to deal with the loss of my life. Their (and Val's) actions have led to pain all around, there is no reason I should be absolutely obligated to protect them from it, at the expense of my sanity. The pain they are suffering is small, involves no real loss, just a little embarrassment. No one even knows who they are.

I do recognize the discomfort the guys and Val felt reading this, it is very personal, but this is also reality. This all happened. They and Val knew what they were doing, risking.

So, back to your question. I think I have expressed my outrage at having been taken advantage of to all those who hurt me and destroyed my life.

I think this is part of the cleansing process. I don't have any desire to hurt anyone. I don't feel the need for revenge, per se. I didn't post those guys full names or told Val or my family about what she did.

All I want is to be understood. I want those who hurt me to know they did, that is all.

Tim said...

Oh, another thing, Joni.

As soon as my class is over, after the July 4th holiday, I think I'm going to go into therapy. I can't really express this kind of angst to normal people or friends.

I do want to get past these feelings, it's just extremely difficult, because I can't change the past. The sense of loss of "everything" in my past is also overwhelming.

Anonymous said...

It hurts me to see you hurt like this.
I believe you have recognized the root of your anger and hurt - your sense of betrayal, the incredible unbelief that you had been living in a world of lies which invalidated even your memories.
And to find out that your daughter was molested- with "Pat's" acquiescence, is horrid.

Anonymous said...

You mentioned in another blog of an average one year to get through most of the emotional mess of a divorce. Are you willing to set that for yourself and matter what...move on?? Is it time to set a goal here of when enough is enough? Of when all that has happened has eaten up enough of your precious life and time and you will NOT allow it to any further???

Coach Joni Peschman
Next Step Personal Life Coaching

Tim said...


As always, I appreciate your input.

Enough is enough now. Today.

I would give *anything* to "move on" right now. It hurts to be stuck. I am not enjoying it. Anger and bitterness are not fun emotions. But they are there. How do you get over finding out that so much of your life was a lie? That the person you trusted more than anyone what making you a fool, taking and abusing your trust? Exposing your kids to her debauchery. I can understand the reasons, mechanisms, but "getting over" is not a choice, or I would have make it long ago.

The question is how to do that? How do you forget? through what mechanism? There are things that help: sleeping right, exercise and above all having close personal friendships. Those help "move" me. I'm working on those, I've been sleeping and running, trying to establish/maintain close friendships, but the latter is hard, somewhat out of my control. I've been able to hang out with a good friend this week, and I feel 100x saner, "moved forward" than I did last week. It's wonderful. Next week, I'm back at work so my time with my friend goes away.

I would love to meet someone and fall in love, that would help *a lot*, but not sure that would be fair to whoever it was, plus I don't really know how one goes about "just meeting" someone.

I think (hope) that time will fix things, that I will "forget" and my memories will be replaced with others, that the pain of betrayal and the deep sense of loss of my life/memories and hopes will become just another bump in the road of my life. I think this is reasonable, I think it happens to most divorcees, but I think it takes time.

I think there are things I can do to make it better/worse, but I don't know that I can just "decide" to suddenly forget my wife cheated on/lied to me for 18 years.

I am very honestly open to suggestions. I will do *anything* anyone can suggest to make this transition easier and faster. The next post after this addresses this topic. If someone have a recipe, I would do whatever it said to do.

I do see improvements, but they are fitful.

I *need* friends. I'm trying.

Thanks again, Joni.

Anonymous said...

You've just given yourself the answer to moving on. Now hear that I said move on...not forget. And the answer I read loud and clear was "FRIENDS". How would it feel to put your time, energy and thought process into making, creating and sharing in some wonderful friendships? How would it feel if that became your purpose rather than dwelling on the past that you are unable to change? You can do it....I know you can.

Coach Joni Peschman
Next Step Personal Life Coaching

Tim said...

Thanks Joni,

Yes, I will try to spend time with friends and make new ones. It is a bit hard, just because of logistical issues (work, kids). Actually I have made a very good online friend recently which is helping a lot. Online has its limitations, but it still has many of the important traits of a "normal" friendship: feeling valued, having someone care about you, etc...

Tim said...

It is now a year later... The pain and anger is mostly gone. What finally allowed me to move on was:

1- Being loved (primarily by my girlfriend, but also friends, family, kids)

2- Time. There is nothing like the healing effect of time.

3- Therapy (or self-therapy. The books "The Road Less Traveled" by Scott Peck and "Getting The Love You Want" by Harville Hendrix were very helpful), as was writing in this blog.

I also *wanted* to move on, so I wrote, talked, tried to get past the pain, tell myself I didn't want to remain angry, even while acknowledging the reality and awfulness of what happened.

If this happened to you too, be patient with yourself, allow yourself to feel the pain, don't rush it. Connect with people who really love you, friends, family, maybe someone you are dating. Read slef-help books or talk to a therapist/counselor.

The pain and anger will go away eventually if you want them to, but it takes time.

Maggie said...

My boyfriend met this lady at a night club. She has a mental illness. He told me that he loves me, he does not know what happened to him, and he felt lost without me. He does not love or want to be with this woman but for some reason he said to me he Could not leave her house. Someone told me that she had put something on him to keep him away from me. That was how i search and found, she did a spell that reverse the whole thing back, and my boyfriend Showed the door to escape out of her house. Our relationship is stronger than ever. He is here with me, and she moved to Palemo, Sicily. Thanks priestess.

Unknown said...

i just want to share my experience and testimony here.. i was married for 4 years to my husband and all of a sudden, another woman came into the picture.. he started hailing me and he was abusive..but i still loved him with all my heart and wanted him at all cost…then he filed for whole life was turning apart and i didn't know what to do..he moved out of the house and abandoned the kids.. so someone told me about trying spiritual means to get my husband back and introduced me to a spell caster…so i decided to try it reluctantly..although i didn't believe in all those things… then when he did the special prayers and spell, after 2days, my husband came back and was pleading..he had realized his mistakes..i just couldn't believe it.. anyways we are back together now and we are case anyone needs this man, his email address his spells is for a better life. again his email is