Saturday, June 14, 2008

My baby is six

Today, we had a birthday party for my little girl. Her actual birthday is tomorrow, which also happens to be Fathers' Day, nice coincidence don't you think? We held the birthday party at "Kiddie Acres" in Austin. If you haven't never been there, and you have small kids, you must. It is a wonderful place, so authentic, so authentically run-down as a friend put it. They have these tiny little carnaval-like rides, pony rides, a miniature train. It is certainly commercial, but somehow has a completely different, and much more pleasant feel than Chuck E. Cheese. For one it is outside, and we got to authentically bake in the authentically hot summer sun. Summer should be hot, and it was that today. Did I mention I love summer?

So my baby is six, which means she isn't a baby. I have maybe another year, two at the most where she will be all mine, then she starts becoming other people's: her friends', her teachers', mostly her friends'. Right now she is still mine, my little girl.

This was the first birthday party my ex and I had as exes. I imagine the there will be other firsts: the first 4th of July, the first anniversary (what's the protocol for that? one wonders), more first birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's. It is a strange new world. But we'll be ok. I have people who love me and who I love. I have a good life. As long as I can keep the beast of anger and bitterness at bay, all will be well.

I wish you all a happy Father's day. Hug your kids would you? For me?

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