Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I intend to be in a relationship based on trust and honesty.
I intend to give myself wholly to my mate and demand the same in return.
I intend to realistically assess if my wife can be the person I do this with.
I intend to get a divorce if the answer is "no".
I intend to not compromise my need for the basic, simple happiness of loving and being loved.
I intend to decide before summer.
I intend to do everything I can to fix my relationship with my wife.
I intend to give more weight to my needs.
I intend to never do anything I am not proud of.
I intend to be the person I have always wanted to be.
I intend to live with intent.


Tim said...

I am amending one of my intentions: I think I need, we need more time to figure out if our relationship is going to work. Summer is only 3 months away. All of this is very new and we have a number of big events happening in the next month or two (selling a house, new job, marriage counseling). We need time to see if we can really establish a new relationship. I think I want to give myself a year. So I am moving my deadling out a year.

Tim said...

These events tend to happen much more quickly than anticipated. It is strange to go back and read my previous comment.

Since I posted this, we've decided that we definitely need to (at least) seperate. We've sold our old house and are looking at lots to build on or houses to buy for my wife. It is 03 April. We want to be done and have her moved by the summer. Early summer would be best.

We are thinking of trying separation for a year and seeing what happens. It will be interesting to see how that timeline gets changed as time goes on.