Thursday, February 7, 2008

I love, I hate

I love your strength.
I hate your addictions.
I love your independence.
I hate your lack of respect for yourself and your body.
I love your determination.
I hate your lack of self-control.
I love your boldness and courage.
I hate your anger.
I love your passion for your passions.
I hate your lack of motivation for things you find uninteresting.
I love your generosity and selflessness
I hate your narcissism and selfishness.
I love your attentiveness to the physical needs of your family.
I hate your abuse of my unconditional trust.
I love your kindness.
I hate your willingness to expose me to health risks.
I love your empathy.
I hate your lying and deceit.
I love your concern for the integrity of other marriages.
I hate your lack of concern for ours.
I love your ability to make decisions.
I hate your lack of passion for me.
I love your spirit of adventure.
I hate you writing off your betrayal as normal, common, excusable.
I love your positive attitude.
I hate your stubbornness and inability to take suggestions.
I love your dedication to our kids.
I hate your abuse of my generosity and reluctance to leave you.
I love that you know every bit of me.
I hate your rejection of any specific responsibility for our problems.
I love that we grew up together.
I hate being #5 on your list of priorities
I love that we are entering middle-age together.
I hate the distance between us which your infidelity contributed to.
I love that you support me in everything I do.
I hate that you cheated on me while adopting our youngest.
I love that you are my best friend.
I hate that your lovers stole mental focus and passion from our marriage.
I love that you are brave and had the courage to tell me about them.
I hate having to reinterpret history.
I love that you are open-minded and flexible.
I hate that you lost your sense of obligation and duty, honor and morality.
I love that your are willing to reinvent yourself, start over with yourself.
I hate that I will never be able to trust you again.
I love having inside jokes that no one else would understand or appreciate.
I hate your disbelief in romance.
I love having you be able to finish my sentences, or being wordlessly understood.
I hate that you denied me physical intimacy when I was young.
I love your dedication to being happy.
I hate the means you were willing to take to ensure your happiness.
I love that we can talk openly about almost anything.
I hate that you are so conflict-adverse that constructive discussions of serious differences are so hard.
I love your love of me despite my genuine failures as a person, husband, father.
I hate it when I think that we might be in the last days of our marriage.
I love that I know 99% of you.
I hate that we have different ideas of what marriage should be.
I love that you genuinely love me.
I hate that I have been unable to meet your needs.

I love you.


Tamara said...

I love this post. I hate that you are hurting. I love that you're writing this all down. I hate that it had to come to this for you two. I love that we are friends; you're such a good friend. I hate that I can't fix it for you.
I love this idea so much I'm going to steal it and use it on my blog.
I hate it when I can't think of anything maniacally hilarious to close out a comment and make you laugh until you piss your pants.

Anonymous said...

I love your flexibility.
I hate your obsessiveness.
I love your approval.
I hate being mocked.
I love your sensitivity.
I hate your bullying.
I love your self-discipline.
I hate your lack of self-control.
I love your desire to understand you and me.
I have your lack of self-awareness.
I love your understanding of my complicated motivations.
I hate your overgeneralizations.
I love how you take pride in my career accomplishments.
I hate how you have no respect for stay-at-home moms.
I love how you play with the kids.
I hate how you yell at the kids.
I love how you love me.
I hate how you hate me.