Sunday, March 30, 2008


My life has recently been filled to overflowing with irony and paradox.

For example: since we have more or less decided on divorce, the tension between us has diminished considerably. I am much happier, more relaxed. I am able to accept my wife's continued friendship with her former lover and be genuinely happy for her. The pain of her infidelity has diminished to some degree, her bad habits don't bother me as much. I have already started emotionally detaching from her, viewing her life and problems as hers, not things that I have to concern myself with.

Some of the good aspects of our marriage are ironically making themselves apparent. We work really well together. I mean really well. When we work on a project together we are a veritable dynamic duo, we get stuff done. Yesterday we assembled a gas grill the size of a small aircraft carrier. It came in about 50 pieces, with about 10 different sized-screws/bolts. I could not have done it without her. We knocked it out in about 45 minutes. It was great. Real teamwork.

Ratcheting up the level of irony, we are really working well at planning this divorce thing together: we 're looking at lots for a new house together, discussing floor plans, where to get the down payment, the relative pros and cons of different financing options. We're talking about timelines, child-custody. We're approaching this like we have every other big decision and project in our lives: quickly, efficiently and together.

The secret to a good divorce, it seems, is a strong marriage.

I crack me up.

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